Cannabis for Treating Arthritis

One of the most common health conditions among Americans is Arthritis. Approximately 1 in 10 people live with the disorder. There are two main forms of arthritis: Rheumatoid and Osteoarthritis. Contrary to popular belief, people have been choosing cannabis for treating arthritis for thousands of years.


This is the more common form of arthritis, affecting almost 3 million people each year in the United States. It’s a common sign of aging that occurs as cartilage wears away over time. Osteoarthritis affects the neck, hands, lower back, hips, and knees.

Rheumatoid Arthritis

Rheumatoid arthritis, also referred to as RA, is the more debilitating, life-altering form of the disease. It’s an autoimmune condition that attacks the joints, causing severe debilitation in sufferers of all ages. This disease often produces other immune-related health issues.

Cannabis for Treating Arthritis

Unfortunately, no cure exists at this time for arthritis. Cannabis, however, contains two main cannabinoids (CBD and THC) that have shown promise as a medical treatment for both forms of the disease.

CBD (Cannabidiol) is capable of working with the immune system to treat autoimmune disorders like RA. It also is an analgesic, meaning it’s capable of treating pain.

THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol) is known for its anti inflammatory and pain-killing properties. Often times, people that suffer from chronic pain and/or inflammation, also struggle with anxiety, depression, lack of appetite, and sleep disorders. THC has the ability to not only treat arthritic pain directly, but also treat the side effects that come along with it.

Diseases like this have become the main focus of the medical marijuana movement. Due to the fact that arthritis is such a widespread illness, the development of special drugs has become of interest to several cannabis-based companies.

Reducing Prescription Medication

Cannabis has proven itself, time and time again, that it can effectively treat all of the symptoms associated with Arthritis. With that being said, people are still treating their disease with pharmaceutical, prescription drugs. These medications may cause more issues than they solve.

Even if you’re an Arthritis patient that must continue to take prescription drugs, medical marijuana can still help ease the side effects associated with them (nausea, lack of appetite, sleep disorders, etc…)

If you’re currently taking prescription drugs, consider trying cannabis for treating arthritis. It can treat your suffering, without the negative side effects. 

Find Out if Medical Marijuana Can Help You

If you’re interested in becoming a Marijuana Doctor patient, call us at (786) 224-4005 or schedule your free consultation online, today. There’s no reason to prolong your suffering when there is a real, viable treatment available in the form of medical marijuana.

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