Breaking Down the Cannabis Plant
We know that the marijuana plant has all kinds of medicinal benefits to offer us, but how much do we know about the flower itself? In this article, we’re breaking down the cannabis plant, piece by piece, to familiarize ourselves with the terms! While it’s not necessarily important for the average user to know these terms, it sure is interesting! Breaking Down the Cannabis Plant Cannabis plants can be male, female, or even hermaphrodite, but the flower we use is always female. The male plants exist simply to fertilize the female plants. Hermaphrodite plants can technically do both, but they’re not nearly as helpful or easy to work with, for that matter. I think it’s safe to say that just about any adult can recognize the marijuana flower. Cannabis grows on long, skinny stems, with those iconic flowers extending out from the nodes. Cola The Cola refers to the cluster of tightly grown buds. Smaller Cola can be found along the lower branches, however the main Cola will be found at the ...